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Elliot's funeral was on Thursday 21 November 2019


Elliot James Bransby

To be called a mensch, is to describe a man as one who has integrity and honour. So I could easily stop right now.

But allow me a moment or two to take you through the all too short, but good life, of this one particular true, true mensch.

His one true passion in life puts him in the elite, the premier league, the champions league, the select group of fanatical devotees to one thing. His love, his deep, deep love...for Alexandra, his mum and dad, his grandparents, and you...his loving family and friends.

Sure, he had this thing for (thinking 🤔 hard) oh yeah, Leeds United. But let’s put the record straight, it was you, all of you that Elliot truly loved.

And Elliot, you are loved unconditionally too.

Alexandra, in Elliot's eyes, you were his world. His soul mate, his true, true love. With you, Elliot sparkled. When by your side, he won every game, every trophy, every award & ever honour. You can be very proud of your Elliot, very proud indeed.

To Donna & David, Elliot's love was unrelenting. His devotion to you both cannot be measured as the expression, 'to the moon and back'. It goes way beyond the capability of describing. Right now, Alexandra, Donna & David are experiencing indescribable pain & heartache.

In his grandpa Stanley, Elliot's tuition of knowledge & kindness continued. He was sometimes a little minx to his grandma Joyce, but his cheeky teasing always ended with a cuddle. Her back tickles were every bit as good as that of grandma Nita. It was she who nurtured Elliot's interest in cooking. And whilst Elliot didn’t know his grandpa Barry, with David's influence, Elliot proudly commanded many of his fine traits.

By his parent's side Elliot was guided in the right direction of both showing & earning respect of his fellow man. Elliot took to politeness & kindness quite naturally. Whether you were on the receiving end of simply a handshake, or a hug & a kiss, you always knew that his greeting was warm and with sincerity. And oh boy... we can all say that we’ve witnessed that most beautiful smile.

I had the honour of tutoring Elliot through his bar mitzvah & I witnessed first hand that this boy was more than ready to become a man. His party that weekend engulfed the synagogue hall in wall to wall Leeds United. His guests travelled extensively to be amongst the celebrations. It was quite a party!

Three years prior to this, aged just ten, Elliot had a stoke. Being in such a weak state, he could have easily been taken from us at that point. But HaShem had other ideas and granted us twenty more spectacular years of Elliot the mensch... the true, true mensch.

In these twenty years he would never put himself first, it was you that he cared for. This 'extra time' was Elliot's gift to us.

As Elliot 'marches on', he leaves with us his love, his beautiful heartwarming smile, we feel his touch as the wind blows, and we will forever recall his trademark greeting...’Hi luv, you alright?'

Elliot, you are a true mensch.


Until we're together again darling xx


Eliot's unique memorial stone was formally unveiled on Sunday 13 September 2020.  302 days after he passed away.

Memorial 1.jpg

Hand painted pebbles from Cleveleys and Cornwall now decorate Elliot's memorial.  More to follow.


Our first Yahrzeit (Jewish date anniversary) was on Thursday 5 November 2020.


Elliot's Marching On In Heaven flag

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