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My very deepest and sincere thoughts of a precious and wonderful grandson Elliot James.  I am truly a proud Grandma Joyce to have had this special being as my grandson.  He will be in my heart and soul forever.

Just a few memories.  

When he was a little boy watching a programme on tv, called ‘The Riddlers’ which was his favourite, and he so wanted to meet the characters and to talk to them.  

Picking him up from school, he was always the first to run out, walking and chatting on the way home.  

Sitting on the settee and Elliot saying, ‘will you rub my back Grandma’ he used to call it ‘rubby back hugs’.

One of my favourites, and when he grew into a very fine young man and came to see me he would say, ‘alright love’ and ‘can I have a big hug.’  


There are many more, too numerous to mention, but such a great comfort to recall (real treasures).  

Elliot was one in a million.   Xxx.

Grandma Joyce

I met Elliot through my close friendship with his Grandma Nita.  He was just a young child then, and I was a middle aged woman he had never met.  But from that moment on, his wonderful loving and trusting heart shone through.  He was always ready for a cuddle and a back rub and we were like family.

I remember his Bar Mitzvah, which was a fabulous, Leeds United themed event (of course) and it was a joy to see him turn from a boy to a man.  Long periods would pass between us seeing each other, but the beaming smile and the hugs were always instantaneous.  That loving heart was still there.  It was a privilege to share in his all too short life and one which I will never forget.

Hilary Jones

You can no longer see me, but please know that I am there 

I am the flowers in the garden, I am the wind beneath your hair

The memories that I left behind, shall forever be with you 

As for me I am in heaven now, where my life will start anew

No longer do I suffer 

No longer do I feel pain 

I'm at peace watching you from heaven now

Until we meet again 

I have always loved my flowers 

With nature I was one 

My flowers are in heaven now

As my time on Earth is done

I am planting my roses in heaven

My lilies and daisies too

For I want my garden to be perfect

On the day God calls for you

When you walk through the gates of Heaven 

I will take you by the hand

And lead you to my eternal garden 

Where we will shall never part again!

Kirsty & Colin Woods

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What's it like to be Elliot's cousin? A very easy answer, lots of laughs and fun times together. I can't ever remember a time when we argued and that's a testiment to Elliot's character. 

These are the memories I will cherish forever, with immense pride!  The one I will cherish the most was when he came over to visit me at my apartment last year.  We just sat down and talked for hours, something as simple as that is a highlight for me because it's those moments where you feel calm and comfortable, no awkward moments and just enjoy each other's company. 

I can't remember what we spoke about, but true to form it was filled with laughter.  We vowed to do this more often, have a catch up and chat again for many more hours! 

Unfortunately that wasn't meant to be, but the time we spent together, one to one, at family gatherings will never be forgotten. 

We miss you every day, and as much as it pains me to do this, if Leeds ever get promoted to the Premier League, I will sing that song in your memory, "Marching on together" the song you belted out at the top of your voice, so loud that you will be able to hear me and join in. 

Love you Elliot xx 

Oliver Franks (Cousin)

You touched so many peoples lives in such a short time. Had so much fun with you growing up. Will never forget that time we raided Grandma's pantry and left bags of out of date food on the table. We thought we were helping but lets just say the next morning we didn't get any breakfast!

Daniel Franks (Cousin)

My memories come from my surprise visit to Leeds for Eli’s barmitzvah.

Eli’s assured and confident barmitzvah. Wise beyond his years.

The wonderful vibrant celebration afterwards in blue, white and yellow.  Eli shone.

Two very proud parents.

A celebration for Eli and of Eli.

Jo Bransby - Melbourne

My lasting memory of Elliot, would be when he came to see me at the Shul, on the dreadful day of my Dear Mother's funeral.  The day was dreadful for me, because of my loss.  Though also because of the weather, yet Elliot chose to give up his lunch break to come and give me his condolences and pay his respects to my Dear Mother.  This act of kindness, understanding and respect, are personality traits that I hear frequently repeated, when others talk about Elliot.

So to Elliot, you will always be in the hearts of many people, in addition to myself.  So walk on, in the lush green fields where you are now, be they flower meadows or football pitches. There you will see your Grandparents, Great Grandparents, other relatives and friends and in time, all who care about you.

Mark Davis

I only met Elliot few times, the first being when I was in England for his Pidyon Ha’ben and vividly remember seeing this little baby in his little cot, in the small bedroom, festooned with Leeds Utd jumpers, beanies, socks, jackets and shorts - he was inducted at a very early age.

I only saw him again when you were here on holiday and we all chatted online.  He commented that Josh was very chubby - your son was a cheeky chappy!

Those are the memories that I have, and am glad we were able to talk to him when you were here.

Sonya Bransby - Melbourne

Thinking of you all today. Elliot was very lucky to have such dedicated parents, family and friends and his relatively short life was enriched with the love shown to him. His legacy lives on and his unique smile and happy demeanour will be etched forever more in the memories of everyone who had the pleasure of knowing him. Wishing continuing strength and only happy memories to David, Donna, Alex and all who loved Elliot.

Jonathan Sapier


Although I never had the pleasure or privilege of meeting you, I’d known about you since August 1999, when you suffered a stroke while on holiday with your dear parents.  It was touch and go whether you would survive. 

Your Dad got in touch, and asked me to handle the family claim against the holiday company.  While dealing with the claim, I met with your Dad, and was immediately struck by his warmth, sincerity and deep concern for you. 

Well, you did survive, and by remaining in contact with your Dad, I got to know what a great guy you turned out to be.  I was invited to your Barmitzvah, but unfortunately could not join you on the day.  The years came and went, and last November, your Dad got in touch with the heart-breaking news of your passing.  Today would have been your 31st birthday, and one you should have been celebrating with your family, but sadly it is not to be. 

However, I want to mark the day by sending you a personal message of love.  I pray the Almighty is sheltering you in the shadow of his wings, and that you will continue to be a source of great pride and joy to your dear parents.

Happy birthday, dear Elliot, and may your dear soul rest in everlasting peace.


Douglas I Poster

22 May 2020


Happy birthday El !!

This photo of the two of us that to me, stands out as a favourite of mine, minutes before you starting singing “marching on together” in a local Man United pub.

Caring, loyal and passionate are only a few of many words to describe you, and a great cousin!  A credit to your mum, dad, family and friends.

And there's more!

The mighty Shakers (Bury FC for those who aren’t aware) played away at Leeds on a cold evening back in November 2007,  Of course, Bury ran out winners by 2 goals to 1 in what turned out to be a great game. The evening was made even better prior to kick off however, with El surprising me with a match-day programme with an article of myself within!!  El had arranged for this to happen, which made my day, and more!!  A small example of Elliot’s kindness. 

Another memory has to be the times he used to watch me play football, in particular telling me the good, and not so good players primarily when we were away at Leeds Maccabi over the years!!  Always good for pre match intelligence.

Also - the long drives to football games following Bury over the years, discussing with El over the phone recent results, upcoming fixtures, who Leeds had that day, predicting results etc etc... Elliot’s football chats were an essential to an away day!!

Love and miss you pal!!

Jonathan Franks


I was so fortunate to have spent so much time with Elliot.  When I first met him 12 years ago we were friends instantly, and I spent season after season stood next to him in N9 Elland Road supporting our beloved Leeds United.  

Quite simply, Elland Road will never be the same again, something will always be missing, Elliot.  Win lose or draw, we would give our analysis of the performance, always thinking we knew better than the manager at the time.  At away games where we would travel separately, we would always find each other before the game and have a pre-match chat.  

A friendship I valued so much, so many people came and went in N9 over the years, but Elliot was always there.  Just like clockwork, 2.45pm every Saturday home game I'd watch him walking up the North Stand stairs to our seats.  It speaks volumes of the person he was that he wouldn't make it up those stairs without numerous people saying hello and chatting to him on the way, he had time for everyone.  

I miss him so much, but the memories I have are cherished, and will never be forgotten. 

Matt Fryer

I was around 10 years old when I first met David and his family (we became neighbours).  David being a little older than me (did you notice David, I only said a little older 😜).  Yes Debs, I did! 

As the months turned into years, our friendships blossomed.  David's mum, who I always called Mrs B was a lady who always gave me brilliant advice and held a massive place in my heart, and still does to this day, I miss my beautiful friend immensely ❤️

David met and married Donna, and we got the news that there was to be a new edition to the Bransby clan, that was you, my dearest Elliot.  I always remember your grandma holding you in her arms, her love for you shining through, so proud. 

Over the years I watched you grow into the most caring and sensitive young man, your love for football held know bounds, you brought so much joy into the lives of those who loved you ❤️

Happy birthday Elliot, my love always xxx

Deborah Coleman

From the time that Donna and David told me they were expecting a baby and the joy on their faces that they would become parents, we all knew that someone special, who would be loved beyond words and adored so much, would be entering the world.

We had the most wonderful holidays together at the Dalmeny Hotel in St Annes when the boys were little, where they would have the best fun cousin time ever and Elli's beloved 'Goofy' toy was never far away!

Making Elli countless birthday cakes and always with the same theme - Leeds United, was a joy. In fact I actually made a football template out of cardboard that I kept just for Elli's football shaped cakes!

Right up to Elli's passing, the boys continued to have their special chats and text messages that only cousins who knew each other so well could have had. Even Daniel, who lives far away in Minnesota, would chat regularly with Elli.  All my 3 boys were always close cousins, which was wonderful to see.

We will continue to miss Elli terribly, but the memories will be held tightly in our hearts and never be forgotten.  All the happy times, from holidays together, birthday parties, lovely phone chats - always about football of course;), THE most amazing Barmitzvah and seeing Elli grow into such a kind young man - a true gentleman, was indeed incredibly special and a credit to both Donna and David.

Auntie Helen Franks

David, Donna and Alex,

Thinking of you all today and every day.  You were all devoted to Elliot who was taken way too soon.

He may not be here in person, but he will always be with you by your side and inside your heart.

Love Caroline Statman xxx

In Elliot there was the perfect storm of the families who made and defined him.   His sweet, caring nature and humour came from his two grandmas Nita and Joyce.   His champagne bubbly enthusiasm from his mother Donna, and his straight forward, pragmatic approach to life (oh, and his love of Leeds United) from his father David.   He had the best qualities from each and every one of them, all mixed up with a smile that could warm the coldest of places and a puppy like zest in everything he did.   Eli always gave me his most precious of things – his time.   He always tried to visit when nearby, he always phoned or sent a message to say hello, and always gave the best hugs!   He was the person who everyone wished was their son.   Decent, well mannered, always tried to do the right thing, and who put others before himself.   A Mensch.

For me, there are so many happy memories to remember – his Barmitzvah, family Simchas, birthdays.   But for me, one memory which is forever etched in my mind was the time when David and Eli came to visit me in Birmingham when I was a student.   Elliot can’t have been more than 4 years old, and the sight that greeted me when I opened the door was of a beaming little blond haired boy who had been very car sick on the journey down.   I remember Dave and I bathing him (I’m sure we have a photo of him in the bath), and then dressing him in one of my t-shirts for the journey home.   The contrast of his uncomfortable journey down and the giggles and squeals of laughter wearing his new clothes summed Elliot up beautifully – always looking forward, staying positive, and taking on everything with a smile!

Today would have been Elliot’s 31st Birthday.   Sometimes life can be inexplicably cruel.   Writing this brings many tears to my eyes, but also a warmth in my heart when remembering the many happy times spent with him.   He will definitely live on in me forever and in everyone who had the great fortune to have met him.

Uncle Martin Bransby

I thought today was a good day to take a look at Elliot’s website. Happy Birthday up there to the biggest Leeds fan I’ve ever known (and will ever know probably!) Sending thoughts and best wishes on what must be a difficult day for you all 😘

Gemma Binns

Hi David

Ingrid & I are delighted to be with you in honouring Elliot.  He had a lovely nature, and was a real mensch.

Ingrid & Tony Reynolds

Just to say that we are all thinking of you today on what would have been Elliot's 31st Birthday
Lots of hugs & love
Shelley David James & Rachael xxxxx

Amazing tributes.

I hope you are finding a life path than enables you to live some positive existence in the knowledge that you had 30 special, treasured years together that no one can take from you.

I would add as tribute that at football, Elliot was always the eternal optimist, hoping for the best, but accepted with stoic predictability that we were bound for disappointments, but whenever I saw him with that infectious smile he wanted nothing more than to see his beloved team win!!

Best Wishes.

Michael Michaelson

We are thinking of you all today. Memories of Elliot will always be alive in your thoughts and heart, hold on to those special memories.

Love to you all from the both of us xxxxxx

Lorraine & Mark (Melbourne)

Thinking of you on this special day David and Donna. I will miss exchanging cards with him every year. All my love

Ron Stone

I remember sitting next to Elliot at, I think it was, Philip Crystal’s Bar Mitzvah in Harrogate!  I’d grown up knowing Elliot as my mischievous (younger) second-cousin; he’d turned into a warm, engaging and interested young man whom I chatted with all evening.  It was a pleasure to have spent time with him and it’s with sadness to know there won’t be more times to catch up with him. Gone too soon.

Long life, David and Donna.

Joanne Crystal

I met Elliot on Fullerton Park Supporters Club coach going to & from Leeds United away games.  Simply the best ever!

David Zaman

Thinking of you all at this sad moment

I first met Elliot in 1999 on a Sunday morning football match, his dad was our Match Referee!  From that moment I knew I'd met a lovely Fella.  Then from about 2006, I used to see him regularly at the Home of Football, Elland Road, and from 2010 regularly at away games.

God Bless you Elliot.  Hope you get us over the finishing line to the PROMISED land

MOT Fella

God Bless you 👍🏼💛🤍💙👍🏼

Phil (Thumbs Up) Cresswell

Sending love to all the family, a beautiful website to honour such a lovely person.  Thinking of you all today x❤️x

Simon Kayman

I cannot remember when I met Elliot, probably 2007/08 if I’m honest, the minus 15 season!

Saw him at football, bumped in to him in town, he came in to my work and we just slowly grew a friendship, we even went to away games when he slept at my house on a Friday.  Good days, will be missed.

Will always miss Elliot’s analysis of Leeds, good and bad, but he always got behind the lads x

Ben Harris


I have too many fond memories of Elliot. This is my personal favourite, you can see the way he made the room light up.  I don’t even know what he said to make me laugh this way, but he had a habit of making me laugh over the slightest things.  This was taken at my 18th birthday 8 years ago, but it seems only yesterday.  He helped set up the room as a surprise to me too, as I had been at work all day.  We had many happy moments, from holidays, parties to football matches.  You’ll never be forgotten El, I promise you that.

Amy Davenport

Remembering Elliot Bransby today.  A very happy 30th birthday sending love to Elliot’s family x Debbie x

We are thinking of you at this most difficult time and send you loads of love. Elliot was such a delightful young man. Pauline and Stuart xx

Some lovely messages there for Elliot. Hearing his passing came as a great shock to me personally as I had just been getting over the death of my father.

Elliot was a person I met back in 2008 on that I'll fated FA Cup tie against Histon, of which we lost.  The biggest pessimist going and sometimes annoying on away trips but his love for Leeds United, family and friends was clear to see.  When I had my own issues he would always be asking how I was and even my family, even though he'd never met them.  That's a compliment for the person Elliot was.

I would make the effort most match days to find him at the back of N9.  Roaring the lads on but still disappointed if we had won 6-0. RIP Elliot not a day go's by when I don't think about your life, hopefully after this awful period is done and we do get back to playing football we go up for you.  N9 Kop Leader!!!

James McGuigan

We will always hold Elliot close to our hearts. May he rest in peace. We will always love you. Di & Geoff xxxxxx



Elliot was one of a kind, he was the one of the loveliest people I have ever met and we got on from the start.  

My first memory of Elliot was when we went to Arsenal away, it was non-stop laughter and a day to remember.  When we arrived back at Elland Road he waited with me and my friend until our lift arrived as he didn’t want us standing out on our own. 

A few months later we went to London to see Leeds play Crystal Palace.  Everyone else went to the pub but Elliot came to visit Tower Bridge with us, again non-stop laughs.

In between the various matches we all had many nights out, he was the life and soul of any party showing off his dance moves and making sure everyone had a smile on their face.

Elliot was the type of friend that you could go months without talking to but the friendship didn’t change, if you needed him he would be there.  A true friend.

It still hasn’t sunk in, but I know he is still with everyone.  He will never be forgotten and his memory will live on through the many people who loved him. 

Miss you!  Rest in Peace Elliot.

Marching on together forever


Ben H.jpg

Ben Harris

To this day I cannot believe you are gone, it seems like yesterday you slept round my house and we talked Leeds United.  I miss how you were critical of the team we had then, but you always backed the lads and supported them to the end.

We all miss you, we remember the N9 days the Kop with Matt, David, me, Dan (RIP) another guy gone too soon and Martyn.

We always loved the analysis of the game and the passion you had for Leeds.  You were a lovely guy with a nice family and a nice girlfriend who I met prior at McDonalds when working there prior to you two going out.

Elliot you will be missed, your spirit will live on, and your spirit will deffo live on in N9, and hopefully get us over the line soon.

RIP Elliot.  All my love to your family xx

Ben Harris


Eric (West Midlands Snapper) Howell

I first met Elliot at Elland Road whilst filming the arrival of Millwall fans who were smashing the buses up.  There was me, Elliot and a lad called Geoff, who all put the videos on YouTube, and that’s how we all became friends.

I’m a member if the West Midlands Whites who lives in the Black Country (not associated with Birmingham).  Every time I visited Elland Road, Elliot and I would find one another pre match somewhere near the players entrance.  Whoever spotted the other would shout from a distance, “Oi...Brummie” - or, “Oi ..Bradford lad”! 

On one occasion Elliot was travelling with Fullerton branch to a away game and the West Midlands Whites arrived at the same pub, which we did a few times previously.  Anyway we used to pick 2 players from each branch and play them at pool or darts, this time it was pool.  On the Fullerton side was Elliot, and another lad who thought he was the bees knees at pool.  On our side was the 2 most dorks you could ever meet....let the games begin...going into the final game it was 2-2, Elliot took his shot and left the black ball over the pocket which the dorks potted to win the game 3-2.  I don’t think Elliot or the other lad ever forgot that day, mainly because every time we saw one of them we would gladly remind them of that infamous day.

I only knew Elliot for a short while, around 13/14 years, but got very close and always got along.  He helped me make friends from the Leeds area, whilst I did the same for him with friends from the Black Country.  Elliot and I always did all the home and away games and would always keep eye for one another, most half times we would find each other in the concourse, usually getting soaked with beer.  

When I was told of Elliot’s passing I was in shock, I always thought of Elliot as a fit young energetic lad, I was very quiet at work all day.  I’m really glad that I met Elliot, I think we both added to one another’s memory banks of some good times...and moaning times. 

Anyone who ever met Elliot understands what I’m saying, but on the whole he was a devoted Leeds fan who sadly never got to see this promotion party.  Being the fun loving lad he was, believe me he would have been loud.  

I’ve got tons of memories with Elliot at games, in the pub, and even on the phone.  I’m not the best to explain in written words, but he was a good kid who impacted so many lives in the short one he lived.

Miss you every Leeds game pal.

Thinking of you all at this time David, wishing you all a long life. I didn’t know Elliot particularly well if honest, however, if he had any of the fine attributes you have - which I’m sure he did - he’ll have been a mensch x

Steve Bootle


A beautiful soul that is being remembered and honoured through this beautiful website. 

Mentch.... is a word thrown around a lot in our faith... let me say this - Elliot was a real Mentch!

Someone who cared about others deeply, who was a joy to chat to and spend time with...

Whose only fault.... was him thinking that Leeds United were better than my Liverpool...!

We will forever miss one of life's real gentleman.

Rest in Peace

Alby xx

Ian English.jpg

Thinking of you David. Elliot was a great mate xx

Ian English


A most beautiful thank you letter

Shelley Miller Lee


My most vivid memories of Elliot are two-fold.  Interviewing him for BBC Radio Leeds outside The Old Peacock pub in his United shirt as he was always willing to talk about his beloved club with unbridled enthusiasm.  The other was a barrage of texts from him asking for information!

He was so passionate and approachable about Leeds United.  Elliot was the supporter that reminded you why the club is so important to so many.

My heart goes out to all his family and friends.

Adam Pope
BBC Radio Leeds

It is with a heavy heart that I felt the need to put pen to paper to say a few words about your wonderful son, Elliot.  

I only knew Elliot for about a year, but in that time I got to know a very special young man.  I can’t have been easy what with his mum meeting someone else.  I remember meeting Elliot for the first time at my house.  His first words were “how you doing”.  I said ‘fine Elliot, and glad you got here safely.’  He welcomed me with open arms, and from then on we clicked.  The three of us met on a few occasions.  The one I will always remember and cherish was when Elliot was 30 and we took him out to lunch.  He enjoyed a hearty lunch.  After lunch, Elliot asked if I would drop him off, as he had booked an appointment to have a massage.  When we arrived at his destination, he leaned forward from the back seat of the car and kissed his mum.  He leaned over, and to my surprise he kissed me too!  From that moment on, I knew I had his approval which meant the world to me.   

The icing on the cake was when Elliot gave me a Leeds United pin badge, with that I knew I was truly accepted.  He loved his parents deeply and was never afraid to show his feelings.  He was an absolute credit to his mum and dad and testament to a wonderful upbringing.  

He will always occupy a place in my heart, and I will miss him and his cheeky texts terribly.  

Just how you and David must be feeling I can’t even begin to imagine.  Hopefully the outpouring of such love, affection and respect from so, so many people can help to give you comfort in the weeks and months ahead.  

Elliot I know you are now up in heaven looking down and watching over all the lives you’ve touched.  I give you my word I’ll do everything in my power to love and take care of your mum, grandma and all the family.  

All my love Elliot

Gary xxx.

P.S. You were the son I was never lucky enough to have.

Gary Appleyard

James Forbes

Where do I start and how do I truly understand this?  This is a message
which has taken me a while to really come to terms with and really
gather my thoughts on, especially based on how for me how sudden and
shocking Elliot's death was to me.  It was an average Saturday afternoon
last year pre pandemic before I intended to go out for a run that my Dad
broke the news to me of Elliot's passing, in which for that entire
weekend my thoughts consisted of the following question.

Why?  Why?  And also, more why?

Elliot and I were very close as kids, from Brodetsky all the way through
Allerton High School. mHowever we did start drifting apart slightly in
our early 20's onwards.

When I have quiet moments to myself to think - all I think about on some
days is that he should be sat with all of us in a pub or our houses
having a pint/cuppa and having a conversation.  For me it's still taking
time to really process that he is really has gone and we can't ever have
a conversation again about anything.

The following are my memories of Elliot which I am able to recall -
however if some are missed then I apologise.

My first memories of him were walking around the school playground in
Brodetsky and he always had his goofy toy with him which as I understand
Donna has kept. 

One of my other earliest memories of him was being an absolute fanatical
Leeds United fan - in which I hope Elliot's keeping up with our current
season up there 😊

However one of my other early memories of him was in year 5 when one of
our other friends Tavor Fienberg came to Brodetsky, and he famously would
never speak to anybody in the class.  However Elliot definitely had a
trustworthy side to him as he managed to rouse some words out of him and
it solved the mystery back then of what his voice sounded like.

All that despite Elliot spending a long time off school in year 5 due to
the stroke he suffered from too is all the more inspiring in itself.

I think like a few of us the earlier child memories can be hazy.  Moving
onto Allerton High school onwards and things become a little clearer.  Bits I can remember from our teenage years.

His love for Leeds United ever more - my own love for Leeds United,
despite not being anywhere near as much of a football fan was down to
Elliot and we went to a few games at Elland Rd together in our teenage
years.  One of the most memorable ones for me were the 2004/2005 season
where we both went with his Dad David to watch Leeds vs Preston in the
play-off semi-final first leg when Kevin Blackwell almost got us back up
to the Premiership (thankfully Marcelo Bielsa finally went that step
further after all that time) - I will always remember the elation on
both Elliot and David’s faces when Eddie Lewis scored the equaliser to
keep us level prior to the second leg.

Being each other’s Barmitzvah 'best man' or whatever it was meant to
be back then when we were 13.

When we were around 13-14, and we used internet chatrooms as a joke.
I remember a time we used them to speak to some girls from Northern
Ireland, and Elliot ended up having an 'online relationship' with one for
a few weeks - cannot remember the name of the person as it is so long ago.

Many times we would play the old FIFA games on the Playstation 2,
and because they were not as sophisticated as they are now with how
realistic the gameplay is, we would play against each other and get
Rugby scores.  I could score 10 goals and still lose to Elliot by
one.  We would have Chelsea vs Arsenal and win or lose 13-10 rather than
what would be 1-0.

Going to watch Elliot and another friend of ours Matthew Oxley play
for Collingham FC on freezing Sunday mornings.  Elliot played as goalkeeper, while Matt Oxley was I think a midfielder or striker and Matts Dad at
the time managed the team.

Elliot and I going to a football tournament in our teenage years (I
think it was GCSE year) at Bolton Wonderers stadium with his cousins
from Manchester where they had a 5 a side tournament going on.  I
remember Elliot and I both being hayfever sufferers but I came down with
it worse than him and I had to get rushed home as a result. 

Going to Tenerife with our families when we were 18, and remember
making loads of friends (some I still speak to occasionally now) and it
being a very fun holiday for 18 year olds (especially as we were 18 so
alcohol could finally be involved).

Finally, the parties and nights out that we had together in pictures
I had already sent a few months ago to David and Donna ranging from 18th
to 21st birthday parties and nights out including Booze 4 Jews.  There are more things I could list but it would be very long.

After the age of 21, as life turns out we did distance and pursue our
own life interests separately, however we would always nod and greet
each other if we saw each other around and whenever there was a family
crisis for each other, we would be there.  I remember in 2011 or 2012
either before I went travelling, or after I came back, Elliot’s beloved
Grandma Anita (David’s mother) who we all knew very well, passed away and
I was there for the funeral and Shiva.  I was also there for the funeral
of his beloved Grandpa Stanley (Donna’s father).

In the last few years, Elliot used to work for Swinton Insurance in
Headingley, and as it happens I had to go past there every single day to
get to where I work for Premier Farnell in Armley.  On some days pre
pandemic of course, I would run to work and back.  On the days I did run
in the morning, I would run past Elliot and wave or nod at him and no
matter what he was doing he would do the same back to me as I zoomed
ahead down Cardigan Road to work.

However, what sticks in my memory the most for the rest of my life was
what turned out not just to be my lasting memory of him but the last
time I ever saw him alive.  It was in July 2019 when my own Grandfather
passed away at age 96, Elliot despite us having not seen each other for
a long time, reached out to us to ask how he was in the days before he
passed away, and then when my Grandad sadly did pass away, he was there at
the Shiva helping make up the Minyan.  If there is one thing about Elliot
which will be lasting for me was that he was there when it mattered
most.  I still have the texts from Elliot on my phone I look back at on

Putting all this into words has been something that has taken me a while
to do because for myself so much had happened at once in late 2019 and
of course early 2020 with this COVID19 pandemic, and it has only really
been now I have been able to compose my thoughts on this and be able to
put my feelings about it across.

I still find it unfair that somebody so young who realistically should
be potentially joining a zoom call for New Year with his girlfriend and family
is no longer with us but I do hope these memories of mine will help
David, Donna, Joyce and Alex find some solace and comfort as we go into
2021 which will hopefully a better year.

Elliot, from all of us from the Forbes' RIP, and I will see you one day with life updates on the other side.


I still can’t quite believe it. Elliot, such as incredible genuine man with a heart of gold. Think about you every day and miss you buddy.

My deepest thoughts are with David, Donna, Alex and all the family. xx

Daniel Sugarman

When I heard the news about Elliot I called my mum to chat.  She and my Grandma knew Elliot’s family, and it had a very strange impact on me, it played on my mind a lot and I do still think of him, particularly when I see one of David's notes on Facebook, and although we were never 'friends' per se, it will hopefully make some sort of sense as I go along.

You see, I knew Elliot for a long time... and it is rather strange to type that in past tense.  He and I grew up living probably 10 or 15 houses away from one another, but growing up in the 90s meant that there was no fear of the outdoors, there were no security concerns, rain didn't stop kids playing in the street it only egged us on, and we were lucky that as we lived in quiet roads, there were always kids playing outside, none of us had a care in the world.  

Every summer two young brothers, Ali and Mohammed, the eldest being the confident one of the two, came from overseas to stay with their family who lived next door to Elliot.  Elliot was never the loudest in the group, he was never the 'toughest' in the group, we were all just kids that wanted to play with one another, and these two lads in particular seemed to bring Elliot and my brother and I together.  I was the one a couple of years older than Elliot, the cheeky one that chatted a lot, thinking I was Mr. Big Bollocks when I was actually pretty small, and I would wind Elliot up a bit...  I was just a kid being a kid, and he always seemed happy to just go along with it; he was never rude back, there was never an inch of arrogance, he was just a nice lad, completely harmless with an air of shyness to him that wanted to be playing football outdoors with the other kids. 

As we grew up and I moved from the street, aged 15 our paths continued to cross.  We always had pleasantries, and he continued his persona of not wanting to be the centre of attention, but just going about life... mention football however and he would light up.  He would attend a youth movement we were both involved in on a Sunday night, and after I left to go to university, we would just bump into one another here and there.. PhysCap football where he could be found alongside his referee dad, Jewish Uni events... and he was vocal on Facebook for a long period of time, so I was always reminded of his presence! 

They say the good ones go too soon and it is true with Elliot.  My lasting memory of Elliot is that he was just a friendly guy that never wanted to be the centre of attention.  He never cared what others thought, he enjoyed doing whatever he was doing, and you couldn't say a bad word about him, because there was never anything bad that he did to even consider a negative thought.

When someone goes young it puts life in perspective.  It got me thinking about life and the part that Elliot played.  It was all positive thoughts, and I hope that I played at least a small positive part for him too.  He didn't deserve to leave this world.

8 more games to go Elliot, and I hope you and Norman will be up there Marching On Together when we go up.

Simon Brown

The last time that I saw Elliot, I couldn’t believe what a lovely man he was, it had been several years since I last saw him, on dropping him off in Guiseley

He spoke to me about the love for his parents, how his life was so good, and how happy he was.

That lovely memory of him, will always remain with me. xx

Jackie Wood

There is one specific memory that I have of my cousin Elliot that has stuck with me for years. It was one year when we were having Pesach at Aunty Helen’s house, and it was when we were looking for the Afekoman.  I was stuck and didn’t know where to look, and I remember Elliot giving me a little hint about where it was hidden.  And then I found it and got a Bart Simpson colouring kit.

Elliot was always so kind to me and always found a way to make me smile.  I will miss him immensely and will forever treasure the small moments that we had together xxx

Eliza Bransby (Cousin)

My memories of Elliot involve many things:  We spoke about almost everything, but one topic always led the conversation - Football!  From texting each other back and forth about City and Leeds to discussing who was the best in the world.  We always agreed, and spoke of the times where Leeds would make it the Premier League!

He knew everything there was to know about football, and we used to laugh at the good, and of course, the bad.  He was always so understanding, and we’d always enjoy each other’s company when we would see each other.

I loved his humour, and especially his (inappropriate) jokes - I hope I can take many qualities from Elliot, as he was really someone to look up to xx

Hugo Bransby (Cousin)

Ellibob, sorry I haven't written sooner I have not been able to put into words how I feel.

I did not know of your passing until it was too late, I'm sorry I wasn't there to say goodbye.

I remember when I first spoke to you, you was friends with my boyfriend at the time, you sung 'Journey, Don't stop believing' down the phone to us!  After that we became friends that then developed to become best friends!

As we got to know each other, I remember we was convinced we had to be somehow related or you had a long lost sister, as you was called the same as my brother and our parents were called the same! 

Our conversations were my favourite, we would just talk shit to each other or send each other random snapchat every morning and evening, occasionally I would get a message during the day if you hid in the loo at work haha!

You timed it right every time I had been on a night shift and would talk to me all the way home to make sure I hadn't fallen asleep while driving, most of the time I would just moan about how shit my shift had been!  You were my alarm clock on a morning when I was on a day shift, I could guarantee I would get a message at half 5 saying 'good morning' :D

I still look at our messages now and just smile.  When Leeds finally did it, I was at Cheshire Oaks and I clicked on your name in my phone to ring you then reality hit! 

Our common love was of course Leeds United, I knew after every game we would have a full run down of the whole game, most of the time I would have heard it already on BBC Radio Leeds while driving home!  

When I gave my season ticket up, you still managed to get me tickets, I will never forget how stressed out you was getting Derby play-off tickets for me!

I'm gunna have to conclude Ell because we would be here all day, I will never ever forget you and I will never forget our final words, you'll always hold a place in my heart. 

Miss you always. 

Abbie 💕


Elliot was the nicest, most genuine guy you could ever wish to meet.  A truly selfless, wonderful character I was able to call a friend.  His soul and memory lives on xxx

Oliver Lee


Daniel Howson

It still seems strange that you’re gone.  You were taken away far too soon.  Hope your flying high up there.  I will never forget the times when we used to go partying in Leeds, and travelling on the coach to away games.

We had lots of good times that won’t be forgotten.  Pre-season tours, away games, and nights out partying in Leeds.  You were one of Leeds United’s biggest fans, and a good friend.  Probably won’t ever sink in that you’re gone.


Matthew Wilson

From meeting Elliot back in Lanzarote in 2009 when I was working, we had an amazing 10 years of friendship and spent many nights out in Leeds drinking along with many good (and not so good) times watching Leeds United.

Well it’s all missed so much, and finally the mighty whites have done what we’ve waited 16 long years for, and it’s all done in your memory.  #MOT #ALAW.


Deborah Ben Ami (nee Phillips)

I’ve been wanting to message you for a long time but didn't know how to put my thoughts into words.

I was so so sad to hear that Elliot passed away.  It doesn't make any sense to me 😢 I'm so so sorry for your loss. 💔

I think about him and all of you so often.  You're all in my prayers, and I hope that my message brings you some comfort.

Unfortunately my memory isn't so wonderful but I do have some memories I'd like to share:

​I remember as a young girl going to nursery / school and playing with Elliot.

He was such a happy child, full of mischief, and so much fun to be with.  He had a wild imagination and there was always so much laughter.

We would fight often as kids do, but none of it was nasty and we always made friends. 

He was the child who always stayed your friend, and didn't get involved when all the other kids would be ganging up on someone and being mean. 

I have fond memories of playdates together.  I always remember he had lots of goofy and Disney toys in his bedroom. I loved going to his home because it was full of toys and remember wishing I could have stayed longer.

I remember climbing trees together and Elliot helping me climb higher.

I have a vague memory, we must have been about 5 years old, of going to a muddy grassy area next to trees in the playground of Brodetsky. We said we were in the forest and we needed to dig for our food. We put our hands in the mud and used twigs to dig out stones, and ate them and said how delicious they were. I remember that Elliot searched for worms as well. 

I have a small scar next to one of my fingers from him 😂 it wasn't done on purpose, at lunch time they would make us open up the tables which were kind of folded in half, and they had this weird lock on them.  We were opening one up together and somehow my finger got caught.  I remember vividly screaming Ellioooooottttt and chasing him angrily.  He ran away. 😂

I remember us sitting in Jewish studies classes with Reverend Harris and just doodling on paper or in our books, messing around, making aeroplanes, throwing things on the floor, disrupting and ignoring whatever was going on, acting totally oblivious to how angry the teacher was getting. In fact I remember he often threw paper aeroplanes in class and usually got away with it. 

I remember an Israeli girl I think called Danna joined the school briefly and they became really friendly.  I was jealous because he had a new friend and I felt left out.

I often got picked on in school and he never followed the crowd or joined in, he always stayed my friend and often stuck up for me. He simply couldn't hurt a fly.  We often played together when no one else would play with me. He was a true friend.

I'm pretty sure he's responsible for my tomboy period of loving football (although I refused to support Leeds Utd, my dad is a Man City fan so we had some banter about that). I remember he would always include me and anyone who asked to play football games, and ignore the protests of the other boys. He never left anyone out. He always assured me that I was good at football even though I probably wasn't.

I remember jumping in muddy puddles with him and getting absolutely soaked, the teachers were horrified when they saw how soaked we were.

I didn't really keep in touch with Elliot after leaving Brodetsky, but I remember missing his friendship and all of the fun and mischief.

My son is named Elior and my Grandma in Leeds (Valerie Saffer, bless her) often calls my son Elliot by mistake.  I never met another Elliot, so it constantly reminds me of your son. Since Elior was born in 2017 I would often remember Elliot and hope that my children will grow up and experience friendships full of laughter, adventures and mischief like I experienced with Elliot. 

I wish you and your family good health, comfort, for only good things to come your way, and no more sadness. 

All my love ❤️

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Mark Bransby

I first met Elliot in 2008 when we visited the UK to catch up with relatives in person rather than by email. My main memory is being taken to my first Leeds United soccer match with my son, Josh, and David and Elliot. It was our first encounter with Subway where we had lunch and then we walked to the Elland Rd stadium. It was 3 degrees Celsius and raining but the game went on. David and Elliot had placed an article in the Leeds United magazine which was handed out at the match and so Josh and I were celebrities for our 15 minutes of fame. By the way, Leeds lost against Colchester (which apparently was not unusual).

The next time was in 2012 when the kids and I returned to the UK. Elliot met us in Leeds city centre and gave us a walking tour in the rain (again). We had a great time and he was such a fantastic host as we visited the market, the Corn Exchange, etc. We also had a lovely dinner at Marlows Fish and chips in Moortown with Donna, David and Elliot.

Unfortunately, on the next visit to the UK in 2017, we didn't have the opportunity to catch up with Elliot and so the last time we saw him was when David visited us in 2018 and we had an iPad conversation with Elliot around the dinner table.

Sarah Alykes Bransby

I used to have funny chats with Elliot, on Facebook.  Pleased to have known him for a while.

In some ways, I should barely have known Elliot.  He was the son of my Mum’s cousin who lived in a different city to me and was a different generation to me.  The fact that Elliot was such a part of our lives and known by us all so well is not only a testament to the closeness of the whole family but is a huge testament to Elliot himself.

At family gatherings, He was always so warm and chatty and interested in all those around him.  

When my own mum was ill, he visited.  He messaged.  He called.  And when Mum passed away, he messaged me so much and showed so much care and love.  He truly was one of the good guys.

My heart goes out to David and Donna and Alexandra and all those who were far far closer to Elliot than I was.  Grief is the price we pay for love.  

Lots of love

Richard Stone

Debbie Stone

My first memory of Elliot is of him at his amazing blue and yellow Bar Mitzvah! This took place not that long after Richard and I had got together, and so I had only met the extended family a handful of times. I remember how welcome I was made to feel by you all and realised then just what a special person Elliot was.

From then on, whenever I saw Elliot (at  one of the many Hull family gatherings), he was smiling - a beaming smile (with a cheeky glint in his eye) that lit up the room. Even when he was going through those awkward teenage years, he always made the effort to come over to me, give me a hug and a kiss, and ask me how I was. He was so open and chatty and when he wasn’t chatting to the ‘oldies’ he was having fun helping to keep the little ones entertained.

I truly can’t imagine what you, Donna and Alex have been through and are still going through each day but I’m sure that Elliot is up there marching and still smiling and looking out for everyone who he cared for so deeply. 

David, everything that you have done and continue to do in Elliot’s memory is testament to the incredible bond that you both clearly had! 

Sending you lots of love


Lisa Jacobs (nee Tunick)

My name is Lisa Jacobs (nee Tunick) and I was in Brodetsky Primary with Elliot. 

I firstly want to say how sorry I was to hear of Elliot’s passing last year and wish you and all your family a long and happy life. 

I haven’t actually seen Elliot since early years of high school, however, I clearly remember how sweet he was! 

We were sat next to each other in class towards the last years of primary and also played football at break together (I was one of the few girls who played footy at break-time and collected football stickers 😆). It’s safe to say he had a lot better technique than I did and I actually remember him being really fast at running! 

Reading the beautiful posts you and others have already written, it’s clear to see he was loved and cared for by so many. 

I hope you and all his loved ones are given all the love and strength you need to get through this difficult time.

Best wishes,


Alex Gershaw

I'm sorry to hear of Elliot's passing, you have my deepest condolences.

During a school residential maybe year 5 or 6 - I can't recall which, one evening we were tasked to create a performance for a talent show.  Being the misfits that we were, James Forbes, Elliot and myself we partnered up.  We did a jokey topical mostly slapstick performance about the residential experience.  I remember vaguely working with the both of them on it.  I vaguely remember the year group, myself and both James and Elliot howling with laughter.

It is a memory I will forever cherish.


Daniella Lebor

Dear Donna, David, and Alex,  

I am so incredibly sorry to hear the news about Elliot. 

I was at Brodestky with Elliot and I have many very vivid memories of Elliot in class and on the football pitch and playground as the kindest, warmest and sweetest young boy. He had a smile that would light up any room, and a great sense of humour and fun. It is clear from looking at the photos of him as an adult that he continued to embody all of these amazing qualities throughout his life. I am grateful to have known someone as special as him from a young age.

May his memory be a blessing. 

Sending all my love,



Ben Sissman

Elliot and I never had a cross word the whole way through primary school, he was always the first on the playground and last one to leave, he was one of the first people to get me into leeds united, so I partly still hold him responsible for how emotionally invested I am in LUFC 😁

He would always make sure there was a ball available for break and lunch time, and always run out onto the playground clapping with his hands above his head like he’d just ran down the tunnel at Elland Road.

I’d commented on your post on your wall at the time but as you’d been inundated with messages I’m not sure if you saw it.

Elliot was a really great and funny guy and I’m truly sorry for your loss. I hope you and Donna are managing as best you can.

Take care of yourselves and I wish you both all the best for the future

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Danni Angel (nee Saffer)

I also remember how full of mischief he was! Though I mainly remember how much of a Leeds United fan he was, coz we were too. I'm not sure if our seats in Elland Road were near but seeing the pictures of him with various old Leeds United legends remind of similar ones I have with them too.  xx

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Simone Taylor

I too remember Elliot getting up to mischief which was always fun to watch as I too liked to do the same!  Although more often than not I actually got caught. I remember me and Elliot fighting over who got a team point we found (it was a tiny yellow round sticker) in Mrs Cohens class, and I was the one who got in trouble for being disruptive and had to go face the wall.  I assume he liked the colour as it was part of the Leeds colours which EVERYONE knew he was obsessed with.

RIP Elliot xxx


Fredka Fay (nee Lorie)

Can never forget Elliot's cheeky grin!!  And always wearing a Leeds United shirt!  And he was so kind to me when I was heartbroken when me and Richard broke up in year 6.  I remember how brave he was too when he came back to school after being off for a long time when he was very unwell.  A real light.


Adina Rothman

I remember waiting all day for break and then playing football in our regular teams every single day!  We very seriously once said that we could beat Leeds United if we were all on the same side and we really believed we were good enough to do it!!  I've been thinking a lot of Elliot lately, with every Leeds game, thinking how much he would have enjoyed seeing them win.

I'm loving reading everyone's memories!!! Such good times, hope everyone is well, lots of love from Israel.

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Nadine Shaw

Wow!  What an amazing collection of memories everyone has!  Catching up on all these messages is definitely taking me down memory Lane!

I remember Elliot being the class clown and always making people laugh- always with a smile on his face.  I remember us being the ‘cursed’ year and we seemed to go through an awful lot of teachers 😂.

For me Buckden is a massive highlight - all of us together away from our parents for a week!  Helping each other with all the activities- I was such a scardy cat when it came to heights!!

So lovely to hear from everyone.  I’m sure Elliot is smiling down at us remembering all his antics! Xx

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Kerry Rankcom (nee Tolkin)

I remember going round to play at Elliot’s House after school and playing the most amazing supermarket game and he kept beating me.  Eventually he let me win 😂❤️

I’m so sorry for your terrible loss, I’m saddened to learn Elliot had passed. 

I went to AHS with Elliot, we were in Business Studies and Tech class together.  Elliot and I used to have a funny love hate relationship where we would wind each other up but still have so much fun in class (alongside learning). 

I remember one time on food tech class I had nipped out, came back to find one of my pans had disappeared- Elliot was laughing whilst I was searching for the pan, and 5 mins later he gave it back to me after hiding it, lol.

We had a funny, full of banter friendship and I’ll never forget him!

Take care Elliot wherever you are, I’ll always pray for you. 

Kamal Marwaha


Sam, Jan & Jake Levi

The enduring picture I have of Elliot of blessed memory is kneeling, talking to my Grandpa, Wolfe Levi of blessed memory. Grandpa was resident at Donisthorpe Hall for some years at the end of his life. After a shiva service at the Chassidishe Shul at Donisthorpe, Elliot came to talk to my Grandpa in the lobby of the home. They were talking and Grandpa asked after the fortunes of Elliot's beloved Leeds. 'Are they going to go up?' Grandpa asked. 'We have to,' Elliot simply replied. Such a dedication and conviction that he put across, connecting with my Grandpa.

Love and prayers with you all. 

A note from David...  Elliot is pictured here with his beloved Goofy.  Why?

Goofy was a gift from Barbara & Wolfe Levi to Elliot on his first birthday, and it was Goofy that was to be such a permanent feature in his life.  

This most incredible soft toy (now with Donna) brought comfort and peace to Elliot’s life.  I remember how he was a 'stowaway' on our holiday flights, and would emerge when Elliot was in his seat.  It’s worth noting that Elliot was in his teenage years and beyond at this point!

When Elliot was so desperately ill whilst on holiday in Turkey, Goofy would be held so tightly to bring security to a very scared 10 year old.  Goofy was by his side when in hospital too.

When Elliot went through a phase of WWF, poor Goofy was subjected to years of being Elliot’s wrestling toy!  I lost track of the amount of times I repaired him, but despite his now misshaped appearance, he was loved, and hugged for 29 and a half years.

Elliot never forgot that it was your dear grandparents who brought him this joy, and not even a Leeds United item could replace him.


Colin Woods

Elliot Bransby AKA Mr Football

I had the pleasure of meeting Elliot through his mom and dad at the annual Phys Cap tournaments every year where Dave always sourced the Referees.  However, the first time I actually spoke to Ell (that's what I always called him) properly was on the top of the 51 bus one night back from Leeds.  

The conversation started, ‘Hi, how are you?’ and then BANG, ‘what did you think to Leeds at the weekend?’  It was awful to upset him, but I had to tell him straight, I was a West Brom fan (he never let me live it down). 

He always used to say, ‘how are West Brom doing?’ with a little smile on his face.  But back to the story, he started by telling me how well they had played that Saturday, who had played, and how he thought they could do better.  It was at this point I realised how much he breathed Leeds United, his passion and knowledge was second to none.  Then, before I knew it, my stop was approaching, and we said our good byes.  We gave a parting wave as the bus carried on up the road.

Elliot, you always called me Col, which only my friends call me, and that you was in my book, even if you did rib me all the time in great banter.

Take care my friend, until our paths cross again on the green turf.


Rabbi Daniel Levy

The website is a wonderful tribute to Elliot a"h and may it give the visitors to the site an appreciation on Elliot and his dear family and friends.

I first met Elliot and his dear parents, Donna and David when they approached me to teach him his Bar Mitzvah portion, as he was to be Bar Mitzvah at Shadwell Lane Synagogue, Leeds.  

His big brown eyes were the first thing that struck me, followed of course by his trademark front teeth, which in time had some attention paid to them!  

Elliot was a keen learner and always happy to have a go and stretch beyond his natural comfort zone, something he did throughout his life.  I got to know Donna's parents and David's mum, she often brought Elliot to his lessons.  Elliot was a joy to teach, and my relationship continued with his family beyond the Bar Mitzvah.  We kept in touch and I got updates about Elliot's progress and achievements.

Elliot's sudden untimely passing was an huge shock to Donna and David, and to all the family and friends.  In fact, it sent a ripple through our community and beyond.  

Elliot will always have a special place in my heart, he taught us what it means to be kind, gentle, generous, brave and loving.  Wow those are some qualities!

May Elliot's memory be a blessing to his dear parents Donna and David, and to all his family and to those who knew him.  May his dear soul be bound up in the bundle of eternal life. Amen.

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Karen Stone

My very first memory of Elliot was in Glasgow when Lawrence and I met up with David and Donna - Natty was only a few months old.  It was when out walking that Donna mentioned she was not feeling 100% and was convinced that she had a tummy bug!  Myself and Lawrence both suspected instantly that her condition was in no way related to a tummy bug and were thrilled to later discover that we were correct and that gorgeous Elli was on his way!

We have always remained close, and it was a delight to watch our young children play together, remaining firm friends throughout Nursery and into Primary School until Elli discovered Leeds United and football became his passion. 

Even though our children developed different interests we continued to remain friends and had the pleasure of witnessing and sharing many of our children’s milestones and simchas together which should have continued for many many years. 

It is devastating to know that there will be no new memories of Elli for David and Donna and that no words can ease your pain, but know that you are surrounded by the love and support of all of your friends and family always 💕

Wishing you long life with no more sorrow, and may your cherished memories be a blessing 🥰


Howard Webb

I would have loved the chance to let Elliot know about the wedding and for him to meet Bibi...he would have been so enthusiastic, and I know she would have absolutely loved him

He was always such a wonderful character to be around, he was always able to make you feel better with the contagious passion he had.  He loved his football so much and I always knew he was happy to be in my company.  I loved the fun we had, the jokes and the banter.  He was one of a kind for sure and we are all privileged and blessed to have known him and to have created memories with him.

You can be so proud of him x

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Marshall Frieze

My underlying memory will always be of Elliot’s amazing smile whenever he was at the PhysCap football.

He was so chuffed to be able to be involved in helping on the day He’d always be saying “it’s going to a great one this year”!


I remember Elliot because I met him through his amazing mum Donna and dad David, he would see me on the bus often and talk to me about life, football and more football.

He once made us all a lovely meal and made us all laugh and smile the whole night. He would also message me later in life as I got more poorly just to check in xx

Kirsty Woods

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Anon tells all



Read all about it


My late wife Maureen was David’s cousin and I have the great honour of sharing my birthday with Elliot.  Although we didn’t meet up very often, usually at family functions, we would always exchange cards or greetings on our special day. I think that the fact that he never failed to do this, even through his teenage years, when he must have had far more important things to do than remember his father’s , cousin’s, husband’s birthday, really highlights something very special about Elliot.  

This was his amazing ability to mix with people of all ages, at all levels and from all backgrounds, even when meeting them for the first time.  I can recall him walking into the room at a family function when he was in his early twenties and within seconds chatting comfortably with my ninety year old mother- in-law and then just as comfortably with my eight year old granddaughter. He was one of the most caring and thoughtful  young men that I have ever met and I still find it hard to believe that he is no longer with us. I will continue to share my birthday with him and will therefore never forget him. 

March on in heaven Elliot, hopefully with Maureen, who was so proud of what you had achieved and of the wonderful young man that you had grown into.

Ron Stone

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Story to follow...

Suzanne & Barry Hirst

Thank you to everyone who has sent in their own unique message, every single word warms our broken hearts. 

If you're reading this and yet to send a message please please do so, it truly won't upset us.

Donna & David

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