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Written for Donna

My beautiful son

When I first saw you it was just on a scan

A blurred little image, but I'm already a fan

In May 89, I remember it well

You entered this world, I started to kvell

There's no love quite like a mother & son

My beautiful boy, For I am your mum

I’d sing you a song and rock you to sleep

You’d lay in your cot and I’d not hear a peep

Time flew by, you grew up so fast

Bottles and nappies a thing of the past

You're now into football, and Leeds is your team

When they scored a goal, you'd let out a scream

You’d march on together, trips were well planned

As a devoted supporter, you’d travel the land

You’d meet up with friends from Fullerton Park

Join in with the banter and have quite a lark

But back at N9 with all of your pals

You’d sing it out loud with the guys and the gals

We’re all Leeds aren’t we?  Is one of the chants

When Leeds miss a sitter it’s Elli who rants

It’s when you're back home with a hug and a kiss

I know that you’re safe cos it’s you that I miss

Then you’re off out, but where to this time?

'You won’t know it mum, don’t worry, I’m fine'

You’ve not got a coat!  And he’s out of the door

He'll have a good time, he’s done it before

What happened at work?  And then you rebuff

'You won’t understand, I’m doing some stuff'’

'Did you want me luv?'  Is what you would say

When you call me back later that day

I just want to know that my boy is okay

Please call me back and then hear you say

'Hi luv, alright?'  I know that it’s you

Pop in for some tea, I’ve made you some stew

'With Alex now, there’s no need to fuss

I'll head off to London and go on the bus'

I then get a call, there’s something not right

My boy is in trouble, darling hold tight

I hurry on down, it’s quite a long ride

To hug and to hold him, to be by his side

Please, please save him,  I say with a sigh

Do all you can, my boy cannot die

I let out a scream when I hear the news

'He’s passed away Donna' his life he did lose

He's now with the angels in heaven above

My beautiful son, it’s you that I love


You were my hand, I was your glove...

My darling boy

You brought joy into my life, you made me proud

My shining light stood out in a crowd

You made me laugh, you made glow

The love we had, others don’t know

The tears right now, fall like rain

I cannot describe this awful pain

I feel so sad, so very low

Will this emptiness ever go

Our special bond, was one of a kind

It was made with love you cannot find

As well as dad, I was your luv

You were my hand, I was your glove

You were my shadow, seen by my side

Fiercely loyal, I would burst with pride

Achievements were many, and failures few

And when that happened, we’d start brand new

To achieve our goals

As father and son

We were a team

Until it was done

You were my friend

My very best friend

You gave me strength

Right to the end

Like no other, you brought me joy

I love you Elliot, my darling boy


24 February 2020

The best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry

Life goes on for everyone

Mine stopped that awful day

Yet the birds still sing

And the wind still blows

Kids still scream

And the train still goes

The rain still falls

On the heads below

My eyes still cry

My mood is low

We said farewell on a chilly day

The crowd was out

As we made our way

And laid you to rest, we did that day

I’m not okay

Nor coping well

I miss my boy

Too much to tell

I love you son

I cry each day

I want you back

The pain will stay...

...'till you take my hand

And bring me near

To all of those

I hold so dear

I love you Elliot

empty seat.jpg


By Helen Ayres

William Wordsworth wrote to say

That once he met a child

He met her while he walked one day

And spoke with her a while

“Sisters and brothers, little Maid

How many may you be?”

The little girl looked up and said

“There isn’t only me…

…There’s other girls, plus 3 more boys

In total we are seven

Five of the siblings live at home

But two have gone to heaven”

“You run about, my little Maid

Your limbs they are alive

If two are in the church-yard laid

Then ye are only five”

The little girl looked in dismay

Insisted they were seven

“They’re still are part of life each day

It’s just that they’re in heaven”

The child looked up and said. “Please Sir

Because they are now gone

It doesn’t mean they never were

My love for them lives on”

I know it is the same for you

Your heart will never mend

Friends may help to see you through

The dark days that descend

His love remains within your heart

He’ll always be your son

Even though you are apart

In you he still lives on

He sends a gift to you each day

To illustrate the bond

He tries in each and every way

To break beneath the pond

To let you know though you’re apart

The love that you have given

Is still within his heart

Even though he is in heaven

It’s said of heaven in a song

There is a garden where

Far far away from doubt and wrong

Our old friends meet us there

And just beyond the plants and streams

You’ll find a field of grass

And here the angels form their teams

To dribble, shoot and pass

And here it is your boy will wait

The routine is the same

He’ll make new friends and they’ll debate

While angels play the game

So when the time is come for you

To leave this earthly pond

He will not wait beside the gate

But in the field beyond

Keep on walking past the place

Where many others meet

Your eyes will see again his face

Beside an empty seat

And now at last can grief subside

To be replaced by joy

As you take the seat beside

Your dear beloved boy

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